These terms and conditions ("Terms") govern your registration for and participation in the entire program for Elevate 2025 or any particular event thereof ("Conference"), and are an agreement between You and commercetools, Inc. ("commercetools", "We", "Us", "Our") commercetools may also update these Terms from time to time. You may not, and you must not, register for, attend or participate in the Conference unless you accept these Terms.
Registration: The registration details of each attendee must be registered (whether in their personal capacity or as a representative of a company or other legal entity) prior to the start of the Conference. We reserve the right to exclude from any Conference any individual whose name does not appear on our register of attendees at the start of the Conference. When registering for the Conference, you must provide us with accurate and complete and up-to-date information. Your registration entitles you only to admittance to the Conference. All other costs associated with your attendance (e.g., travel and accommodation expenses) shall be borne solely by you.
Eligibility: We retain the right to establish, modify, and enforce eligibility criteria for the Conference and its various aspects, including Conference pass types, sponsorships, and speaking opportunities. These aspects may have specific conditions outlined separately. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any registration for any reason and in such an event Our sole liability is limited to a refund of the Conference attendance fees paid, less any applicable credit card and payment processing fees. commercetools will not be liable for any other expenses, damages, or losses.
Personal Release: Your attendance at the Conference may be captured in various forms, such as photographs, recordings, webcasts, podcasts, or other transmissions ("Recordings"). By attending, you grant commercetools an irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, display, and exploit such Recordings, for any purpose. IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR OTHER EXPLOITATION OF RECORDINGS (INCLUDING YOUR IMAGES), YOU HEREBY IRREVOCABLY WAIVE AND RELEASE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS WITH RESPECT TO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, RIGHTS OF PUBLICITY, RIGHTS OF PRIVACY, AND ANY OTHER CLAIMS OR DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO SUCH USE OR OTHER EXPLOITATION. YOU AFFIRM THAT YOU ARE OF LEGAL AGE AND HAVE READ THE FOREGOING RELEASE AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS.
Badges: A form of photo identification must be presented when checking into the Conference. Badges must be worn at all times in the Conference areas. Once onsite, badges cannot be changed, substituted or reissued to a different person. Badge holders are not permitted to share, transfer, sell or trade badges. Lost badge replacement fee is equal to the Conference registration fee. commercetools reserves the right to not replace lost badges. Conference badges may include RFID or NFC technology to record attendance and participation. By allowing your badge to be scanned, you authorize the operator to collect and process information.
Attendee Fees: Applicable fees are due upon registration. If payment is insufficient or declined for any reason, commercetools may refuse to admit you and shall have no resulting liability. Fees may be subject to sales tax, value-added tax, or other taxes and duties, which, if applicable, will be charged to you in addition to the fees. Attendee fees are nonrefundable.
Force Majeure: commercetools reserves the right to reschedule or cancel the Conference or any portion thereof, as a result of an event or series of connected events outside of its reasonable control and/or the reasonable control of its sub-contractors and/or suppliers as applicable (including, without limitation, strikes or other industrial disputes, failure of a utility service or transport network, act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, terrorism, explosion, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm, earthquake, epidemic, or pandemic).
Changes or Cancellation: commercetools may change the whole or part of Conference program at any time for any reason (including modification of the schedule or content of, or cancellation of, any session, breakout, keynote or other activity). No refunds will be issued in the event of any changes to the Conference. In the unlikely event commercetools cancels the Conference for any reason, its total aggregate liability to you is limited to the refund of Conference attendance fees, that remain after credit card and payment processing fees have been incurred and deducted. commercetools will not be liable to you for any other expenditure, damage or loss incurred by you as a result of such cancellation or postponement. These rules provide you with exclusive remedy relative to cancellations/substitutions/rescheduling.
Rules of Conduct; Remedial Actions: Registration and attendance at the Conference are contingent upon compliance with general code of conduct as may be issued by commercetools. Unacceptable behavior, including conduct contrary to law or disruptive activities, will result in remedial actions at the commercetools's discretion including, but are not limited to, cancellation of Conference registration without a refund or prohibition from current and future Conferences.
Intellectual Property: All intellectual property rights in and to the Conference, the Conference content, and all materials distributed at or in connection with the Conference, registered or otherwise, are owned by commercetools or the Conference sponsors or speakers. You may not use or reproduce or allow anyone to use or reproduce any trademarks (including without limitation "Elevate") or other trade names appearing at the Conference, in any Conference content or in any materials distributed at or in connection with the Conference for any reason without the prior written permission of commercetools. Your registration to attend the Conference does not grant to you any right or license to any intellectual property rights of commercetools, all of which shall at all times remain the exclusive property of commercetools.
Security: Your safety and security is important to us. You understand that you and your property may be subject to a reasonable search upon entry to the Conference and you may be asked to provide photo identification. If you refuse to participate in these security measures, we may deny you entry. We also reserve the right to ask you to leave the Conference if your behavior causes us concern for the safety or security of Conference attendees. If we deny you entry or require you to leave, you will not receive a refund.
Personal Data & Privacy Policy: commercetools is committed to protecting the privacy of its attendees and participants and their personal data. Our privacy policy is available at
Affiliated Services: The Conference website and/or mobile application may provide information on third party service, such as accommodation and transportation. Any issues or disputes with such third party service providers are your responsibility.
Assumption of Risk: Your attendance at the Conference is entirely voluntary, and you assume all risks of personal injury or damage to personal property. commercetools and its affiliates bear no responsibility for such risks.
Limitation of Liability: The Conference is provided on an "as-is" basis. commercetools does not accept any responsibility or liability for reliance by you or any person on any aspect of the Conference or any information provided at the Conference. Except as required by law, commercetools shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential costs, damages or losses arising directly or indirectly from the Conference or other aspect related thereto or in connection with these Terms. The maximum aggregate liability of commercetools for any claim in any way connected with, or arising from, the Conference or these Terms, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise (including any negligent act or omission), shall be limited to the Conference registration fees paid by you to the commercetools.
Governing Law and Dispute Resolutions: These Terms are governed by the laws of the State of New York (without regard to principles of conflict of laws). Any legal suit, action or proceeding against any party arising out of or relating to this agreement must be instituted exclusively in the federal or state courts located in the City of New York, County of New York.